My Brazilian Family owns a small produce business. Half of the business is loading, unloading, and driving trucks -- making pick-ups, deliveries, etc. The other half of the business is cleaning potatoes. This is where they add some value to the raw potatoes they buy from farmers.
I'll walk you through half of the process today, and finish up tomorrow.
1. The large white bags of potatoes are loaded into a hopper, where a person does some initial washing and muck raking. Then, the potatoes are pushed onto a conveyor to bring them to the mechanical washer.
2. The potatoes make their way up a long mechancal washer where the potatoes are sprayed, spun, and cleaned.
3. After the washer, the potatoes fall down a chute to a second conveyor, which carries the potatoes through a furnace/blower to dry the potatoes.
3. After the washer, the potatoes fall down a chute to a second conveyor, which carries the potatoes through a furnace/blower to dry the potatoes.
Sorry to leave you with a cliff-hanger. More Coming Soon!
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