Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Pick-up Parties

My social life here in Brazil isn't bad at all. Tiago has long since introduced me to his friends here in Jau. I've been spending a good amount of time with some of his friends too, like Renan, Michel, and Jao Loco... who've invited me to go out with their frinds, and so on. I've made a lot of capoeira friends too.

When I'm walking through the Praca, or town square, more often than not a run into someone I know. Last week I was walking home from capoeira practice, when I was spotted. Clamber, one of Renan's friends yelled. "Hey Kevin!" Then we went to a churracso party at his friend's house.

I also stumbled into my friend Fernanda from capoeira while I was Christmas shopping. This was a godsend, because that day I was shopping for Angela. Fernanda helped me pick a cute pair of shoes & a necklace... instead of the ugly shirt that I was going to buy.

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