I went to a water park yesterday with Renan, Marqinho, and friends. Since I am in Brazil, I did what the Brazilians do (I wore a spedo yesterday). HAHA! I'm not posting any of these photos on the internet though. The spedo just isn't my style. I can pull off short shorts, but not the spedo. My legs are just too long and white. It reminds me of the Seinfeld episode when Kramer becomes and underwear model. Rsrsrs... very goofy looking.
Spedo aside, It was a fun day. My portuguese comprehension is getting better too. Just like in the US, this week is poular for vacations and holidays. Except for Tiago & family. Their family business rarely closes. Now that the kids have grown up and help manage the company, the family rarely goes on vacations together. Usually Mineiro and Angela will go on a vacation, and the boys will run the company in their absense, and vice versa.